Sunday, 19 October 2014

This is Africa- Miss Roslender

I first became aware of the Welcome Primary School, Cape Town link during my probation year at Balwearie High School. I was involved in numerous whole school fundraising activities, raising funds and awareness for this link including the Sponsored Walk and various informative assemblies. At this point, I did not fully understand the extent of this link between our school and Welcome Primary and had little understanding about the impact this would have on both schools. I was approached by Mr McGuckin in June 2014 and offered the chance to be a part of the first trip to visit the school in Cape Town and be involved in establishing this life changing link. Without hesitation, I accepted the offer and began to prepare myself for the unimaginable. 

The welcome assembly we received upon arrival at the school was simply overwhelming and completely breathtaking. At this point it become increasingly evident that despite all the hardship and problems, the pupils and staff at Welcome Primary were truly appreciative for the link that has been established between the two schools. There was a huge amount of talent demonstrated from grade 5 pupils dancing to 'Waka Waka' to a wonderful school choir singing traditional songs. As a teacher, despite being several thousand miles from Balwearie, I instantly felt at home upon entering Welcome PS. The highlight for me was working with pupils in the classroom, helping them with maths and language and also witnessing the Balwearie youngsters engaging with the learners. Something that struck me was the motivation levels and eagerness to succeed amongst all learners at Welcome PS. Perhaps, we have something to learn from their desire to engage in learning. It was truly admirable and I believe it is vital that this drive and determination continues as we develop this link further. The GCU was also a very enjoyable experience and we enjoyed playing sport and communicating with the youngsters from the Heideveld community. It was great to finally meet Mario and his family and also Robbie who keep this link alive and are clearly passionate about making a difference to a community close to their hearts. A special thank you to Robbie for his 'medi-vac' services in my moment of need!!! 

The trip was very fast paced, with very little down time however we packed so much into the 12 days and some of the highlights for me include the Aquila Safari,  Langa Township tour, visiting Cape Point, eating wonderful food at Mama Africa and   Fat Cactus and shopping at Canal Walk. Engaging in these activities allowed for excellent relationships to be developed between the whole group and  I feel privileged to have been able to experience such an amazing country with the company of 19 truly wonderful individuals who were so kind and considerate towards one and other. 

This trip has allowed me to further develop relationships with pupils (some of whom I teach) in many different contexts. The pupils looked to teachers as a shoulder to cry on when they were overcome with emotion at the poverty they observed in the school and townships but also were able to communicate with teachers when enjoying meals and exploring different tourist attractions. The relationships that I developed with pupils were what made the trip such a success from singing on the bus to getting my hair braided with some of the girls. These memories will never be forgotten when we got back to school. It was also interesting to observe the changes in pupils over the 12 days. It was amazing to see many of the pupils develop into young adults taking responsibility for their own money, getting themselves up in the morning and being their for each other when times were hard during the trip. 

During these 12 days, I feel I have met 3 new friends (Mr Mcguckin, Mr Clunie and Miss Murray) who I did not know well before this trip. We shared so many laughs together and learned a great deal about each other's strengths and weaknesses...from losing folders and keys to the odd issue with punctuality! Both the teachers and pupils were what made this trip memorable and I am certain that each individual gained something different and unique from this experience. 

The top 5 highlights from this trip:
1⃣ Bus banter- McGuckin-Roslender airways are you ready for take off???
2⃣ Flag man dancing in the street to 'Swedish House Mafia- Don't You Worry Child'
3⃣ Spectacular views and photos at Cape Point 
4⃣ Sharing 'Chocolate Block'
5⃣ Working with pupils and teachers at Welcome and GCU.

As a young developing teacher, embarking on my career I feel very privileged to have been a part of this life changing experience and fully understand the role that I have to play when I return to school ensuring that what has been experienced is embedded into courses across the school to continue to raise awareness. On a 
personal note, this trip has changed my outlook and perspective on life. It has taught me to appreciate even the smallest things in life as seeing how little the children at Welcome Primary and Langa township have was very humbling yet they were so enthusiastic and eager to achieve at school and were so grateful for our presence and love towards them. Thanks to Mr McGuckin for organising the link and the trip and I look forward to working closely with all staff and pupils at Balwearie to drive this link forward to continue to make a difference. 

Miss Roslender aka. Zoolander xxx

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