Friday, 24 October 2014

Miss Murray's Blog

In the 18 months leading up to South Africa there were many occasions when Mr McGuckin would state with confidence that this would be the best school trip I would ever be involved in. Not gonna lie - I kinda thought he was exaggerating a little. However, on this occasion (and on this occasion only McGuck) I have to admit he was unwaveringly correct in his prediction.


On returning home from my 12 days in South Africa I have found it near impossible to find adequate words that convey to friends and family the impact that such an experience has had but here goes...............................

Primarily, I feel immensely grateful to be given the opportunity to be involved with such a life changing project. To see first hand the difference that the money raised by Balwearie is making to the lives of the children of Welcome Primary and the GCU cannot be overestimated. The degree of appreciation shown by both pupils and staff was truly overwhelming and humbling.  It has without doubt instilled a new found determination on returning to Balwearie in ensuring that the immeasurable importance of the Welcome Primary School link is one that is both recognised and encouraged.  The added value that such a link offers with regard to the educational enrichment of pupils is impossible to quantify.

I am extremely proud of the 16 students I had the privilege to share my South Africa experience with.  Their boundless energy and fun combined with their obvious heart felt compassion and kindness towards those less fortunate than themselves was a joy to behold.  Watching them in action with the pupils at Welcome Primary was truly an honour that I will never forget.  On numerous occasions when in public, we were commended on their excellent behaviour and good manners, there can be no higher compliment as a teacher. Group 1 - you nailed it.  

I also had the good fortune to have the company of 3 very entertaining and fun members of Balwearie staff whose humour, like mindedness and positive attitude went a long way to making the trip so enjoyable for staff and pupils alike. Mc Big G, Clunedog and Rossy - it was a blast - thank you.

Although practically impossible to whittle it down, my 5 highlights are:

1.  The Welcome Primary Assembly and the phenomenally excited reaction of pupils when we brought out a bag of footballs...........

2. Overnight Safari which included the extra free highlights of witnessing the appalling fire starting skills of one drooling Mr Clunie and Mc Big G, getting a flat tyre while being chased by elephants and Miss Murray breaking the shower....................

3. Mini-bus banter and discovering my love for a whole new music genre - Because all I neeeeeeeeeeeed, is a beauty and a beeeeeeeeeaaaaaat......................

4. Adding to my already extensive catalogue of dance moves and learning a skipping trick or two at the amazing GCU

5. Dinner and showing off my new dance moves at the amazing Mama Africa's

So in conclusion - a huge thank you has to be given to Mr McGuckin for bringing this wonderful link to Balwearie and working tirelessly to make the trip such a huge success.  Thank you for providing me with a life changing experience I'll never forget.


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