Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Welcome Experience

Today was the first day we met the pupils of Welcome Primary in Heidvield. The fun-packed day started off with the pupils singing 'Welcome to The Family,' followed by a few more performances such as poems and songs from the talented pupils at Welcome.

Myself and Lana were with grade 4b for most of the day. It started off with helping the kids with their nine times table. We also marked their work. Some of the answers I had to double check! It was so good to help the kids understand their work better and I witnessed the kids improving just within the short time I spent with them.  Lana and I then started our lesson. It was to get the kids to write a reply to letters written by many pupils at Balwearie High School. Some of the kids wrote exceptional replies and some tried their best. It just highlighted the range of abilities within the school as some found it easy and others quite challenging. However, the main aim of the lesson was to gain an insight into the kids' lifes as well as learning more about them. All the kids did just that! It is so rewarding to see the kids being happy to try something new. Some of the kids gathered around and played their handmade drums as well as some showing me their rapping talent. I was even asked to sing the song 'See You Again' and I gave in after some encouragement. We also got to talk to the kids during breaks which gave some selfie opportunities and provided  better insight into their lifes at Welcome Primary.

We also went to a cheetah sanctuary called  Cheetah Encounter where we got given a tour of the facility and learned interesting facts about the animals they have. I did get the chance to pet a male cheetah for a few minutes. It was a great experience and something not many can say they have been fortunate enough to try. 

Overall, I loved today and look forward to the next!


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