Friday, 23 October 2015

Famous Scots come to Welcome!

On Tuesday 20th Lara, Chloe, Miffy and myself were grouped together to deliver a lesson on famous Scots. The aim being to teach some of the kids at Welcome Primary who the most prominent Scots were in Scotland's history as well as who are currently playing a significant role. The lesson was planed the night before which involved arranging profile cards of famous Scots in order of date of birth. The cards spanned from Mary Queen of Scots all the way to Andy Murray. We had a total of 30 cards.

Chloe and I worked with 7a before Welcome's first interval and then the 5a after it. The lesson was split into 2 parts. The first being splitting the class into 2 smaller groups, with Chloe and I going through the cards in different groups so that the kids grasped a better understanding of why the Scots were famous and so they knew what to do afterwards. Following this, they had to organising themselves into a timeline in order of the Scot's date of birth with the cards they had. With some help the 7as completed this part well. 

The second part of the lesson was that each pupil would go into a corner which was labeled a specific category. Some being: Entertainment, Inventor and Political. The pupils would choose which corner they went to depending on the card they were holding. 
The 7as completed this very well.

The 4as were much younger, but I was so surprised at their ability. They completed the first part brilliantly and I was impressed with how they ordered themselves correctly in most cases. Some kids even bossed others who weren't as quick with finding their spot in the line. The corner activity was also done with great ability and most kids were comfortable reading the profile cards out loud to their fellow class members.

Overall, I was so pleased to teach the kids and mostly all of them engaged and tried their best. The experience of teaching and being with the kids continues to be rewarding!


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