Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Welcome first day

The past two days have even brilliant! Yesterday and today we visited the Welcome School in the Heideveld township. When we first entered the school assembly in the morning - which the children had been preparing for two months after they heard we were coming! - we were greeted by hundreds of booming claps and cheers. After sitting through the assembly which included introductions, singing and most importantly Scottish country dancing we were met with dozens of high fives and fist bumps from the pupils of the primary school. 

After the assembly and after the children attended a class we were allowed to roam the play ground during their interval. During this time we made many small friends who swarmed us with hugs, jumps, and numerous hand greetings - it is also safe to say dozens of photos were taken in this time. 

Once the bell sounded - which was first mistaken for a fire alarm or war siren - we made way to the staff room where we were then designated groups and classes to observe. The first class we visited was year sixes which were initially difficult to talk to, but once we got to know the pupils they turned out to be polite hard working pupils. The second class Jacob and I went to was a year three class who were super excited to see us! We were soon overwhelmed with the kids who swarmed around us trying to get in our selfies and pictures. 

Once the dinner bell rang we all meet at the buses and drove away with waves and shouts of our names. We can't wait until tomorrow when we can finally teach the children! 

- Leon and Jacob

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