Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Woodlands Primary Gift Presented to Dr More

Woodlands Primary was one of the best experiences that we had in our time in Cape Town. This was where the GCU was based and we loved skipping, playing football, baseball and dancing with the amazing kids from Heideveld. We never felt so welcomed by the Headteacher, Mr Meyer, the staff and the simply amazing pupils.

 The hospitality extended to us by the school was extraordinarily generous, with Miss Roslender and Miss Murray in particular loving the cakes and scones, as seen in a rare picture of them eating in South Africa!!! 

One of the stand out memories of the trip was the impromptu flash dance that involved the whole school and saw Mr Meyer pulling some fantastic shapes in front of the enthusiastic crowd.

The school certainly got into the hearts of the pupils and staff on the trip and we look forward to what will be a growing and powerful partnership in years to come. Alex and Leon, on behalf of both trips, presented Dr More with the clock that we received from Woodlands and spoke about how much the had enjoyed there time in Woodlands.

First Meeting Cape Town 15 Group

On Wednesday 21st January, participants of the 2015 Balwearie High School trip to Cape Town, South Africa, all met together in the same room for the first time.

We introduced ourselves and then started to write personal letters on the school’s laptops. These letters will explain a bit about us as individuals and will have attached many photos. These letters are planned to be sent out to Welcome Primary School in the next few weeks for the pupils there to read. We are all truly excited for this life changing experience in October and are already beginning to think over fundraising ideas!

Francis Allison

About Us!

Keep Updated with all the News on Balwearie High School's link with Welcome Primary in Cape Town.