Monday, 8 December 2014

S1 Christmas Cards

 All S1 pupils as part of their ICT course took on the challenge of designing and making Christmas cards. There were some fantastic cards produced showing a variety of Seasonal themes. Every S1 class was linked with one of the 14 classes at 'Welcome Primary' and the cards were personalised with messages and photographs. The hardest and most competitive part of the process came when deciding which card from each class would be selected to be printed and sent over by post to South Africa. 

Miss Roslender then zoomed down to the post office with the 14 selected cards just before the deadline for Christmas mail to South Africa passed.
Pupils from the recent visits to Cape Town took on the role as judges to select the best overall card and this design will be incorporated into the Balwearie Christmas celebrations.

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Keep Updated with all the News on Balwearie High School's link with Welcome Primary in Cape Town.