We found out today that when at Welcome School we'll be working with Grade One and Grade Four pupils (which are the equivalent to Primary One and Four here in Scotland) and we were all really excited to finally find out who we were going to help and get to know.
We spent sometime thinking about what form of art activity to do with the children and that would also be good for the age that they are. With help from the teachers on our trip, we decided to let them design their own houses, covering them in patterns and whatever they feel like. So we spent our lunch designing our own houses to show as examples so they can get some ideas on how to design theirs. If teenagers can be entertained by it then I'm sure little 4 year olds can have some fun with it too!
In other news, our jumpers should be at the school by the begining of the week hopefully and we should be doing a few more things to prepare ourselves and it won't be long until we are blogging from in Cape Town, South Africa.
We shall keep you updated if anything else happens and you can follow the blog too so you don't miss anything that Group One and Two post!
Lara Paterson, Group One.