Friday, 12 September 2014

Getting a Better Picture of Everything

Group One came together once again this week to release their inner Bonnie Ntshalintshali as we learned some art tasks to take over to South Africa with us in just over two weeks. 

We found out today that when at Welcome School we'll be working with Grade One and Grade Four pupils (which are the equivalent to Primary One and Four here in Scotland) and we were all really excited to finally find out who we were going to help and get to know. 

We spent sometime thinking about what form of art activity to do with the children and that would also be good for the age that they are. With help from the teachers on our trip, we decided to let them design their own houses, covering them in patterns and whatever they feel like. So we spent our lunch designing our own houses to show as examples so they can get some ideas on how to design theirs. If teenagers can be entertained by it then I'm sure little 4 year olds can have some fun with it too!

In other news, our jumpers should be at the school by the begining of the week hopefully and we should be doing a few more things to prepare ourselves and it won't be long until we are blogging from in Cape Town, South Africa. 

We shall keep you updated if anything else happens and you can follow the blog too so you don't miss anything that Group One and Two post! 

Lara Paterson, Group One.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

38 Days To Go!!

Only 38 days to go, group 2!!!!!!!!

Today's after-school meeting was eventful; clearly we can all dance... it finally feels like this trip is legitimately happening.

Over the last few weeks the final details regarding our trip have been confirmed. We now have our itinerary, our hoodies are on their way, and our immune systems have been prepped!
The itinerary looks amazing: from abseiling down Table Mountain, to an overnight safari, to interacting with the children at Welcome Primary. Hopefully we are able to teach them some of the skills we have developed in our previous meetings and educate them about our culture.
It is bizarre to think that in just over a month's time we will be on the other side of the world, experiencing a completely different lifestyle to our own.

Bring on Capetown 2014.

Kiah and Katie, group 2

Friday, 5 September 2014

Countdown to Cape Town

It's weird to think that nearly a year and a half ago we were getting told about the first ever Balwearie High School trip to Cape Town.  We were half way through third year and 2014 felt like ages away. Time has slowly closed in on us and it's now only 31 days until group one check-in to Edinburgh Airport and board the plane to South Africa. It's difficult to comprehend what felt like a dream is now a reality.

The past year and a half hasn't just been a quiet time for us though. We have done many fundraising events including a whole school sponsored walk where we wore the South African flag colours and some decided to dress up too. Both groups one and two came together and did a "Cycle to South Africa" and Craig put a post up about it. We managed to raise money through sponsors and going round the school with spare change buckets at break and lunch as well. Also before the summer we had a movie night in the lecture theatre where we showed African based films and served drinks and snacks and raising a couple of hundred pounds with that. Besides all the fundraising we've also been learning skills that we can teach the children at Welcome School once we are there. We've learned some songs, some games and various other things so that when we go over we can help out with their education. 

Our Cape Town jumpers have been ordered and they should be with us very soon and we are all very excited about getting them. Group one have decided to go with a burgundy colour while group two have went for a bright blue and we both have our own designs on them.  

Last week we were given our itinerary for the time that we are out there and it's filled with some long lasing memories for sure. Besides being in Welcome School we are also doing things such as abseiling and going on an over night safari which is going to be amazing. One thing most of the girls are looking forward to is going to the shopping mall (surprise surprise). 

However, before all of that we still have a few things to do. We still have to try and squeeze in couple of more meetings and learn more skills for taking over too. But pupils and teachers alike are both just wanting it to hurry up and be October already!

Lara Paterson, Group One

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Cycle To Capetown!

Before the Summer holidays, both groups came together and cycled the equivalent miles to Cape Town, South Africa. This is a huge 6356 Miles! Of course it wasn't as easy as much putting foot to pedal, instead we had to wear Goggles and Snorkels while crossing the English Channel and the Mediterranean and we egged on my our trip leaders. We had massive amounts of fun whilst cycling and it gave us an opportunity to get to know each other a lot more.

Thanks to our friends and family which generously donated, and our fellow pupils and teachers at Balwearie High School who gave up any loose change or even notes, we raised over £2000! A fantastic amount!
This money has been put towards funds for Welcome Primary in Cape Town, which we will visit in October, and also some group activities for when we are over there. 

Here are some photos from the cycle:

Craig Stevenson, Trip 2

About Us!

Keep Updated with all the News on Balwearie High School's link with Welcome Primary in Cape Town.